A Summary of What Benefits Our Members Receive

Flight Magazine – Quite possibly the only dedicated members magazine on bird stamps, and the Society’s core product. Issued 4 times a year in full colour, delivered to your doorstep or via email.
Bird Stamp Listings – Compiled into catalogue format by member John Graham. Members can receive free listings up to 2016, and the latest catalogue (up to mid 2020) is available in pdf format for a small charge.
Access ALL Flight Back Issues

The Members Portal holds back issues of Flight back to Number One, issued in 1986.

BSS Packet Scheme
The Society operates a very successful Packet scheme, and all members are invited to participate in the scheme.
BSS Blog

Our Blog is available FOR EVERYONE but articles are ONLY submitted by BSS members. All members can submit articles, notes, questions etc to the Blog, and may also comment on Blog articles, and are actively encouraged to do so.

BSS Forum
As with the Blog, members are encouraged to participate in the BSS Forum. Categories include Bird Stamp Collecting; Bird Identification; Postal Stationary; Cinderellas and Local Issues; FAQs and much more.
The BSS Library
Currently under construction, the BSS Library will be a comprehensive resource of, for example, articles, exhibition material, research papers, Society business documents and more, for members to peruse online or download.
Future Developments
Developments in progress include a Junior Corner and New Issues section (possibly combined with the Blog) on the Public site, and an expanded Members Only area to include New Bird Listings, BSS News, New Bird Species on Stamps and Member Statistics.

If you Would like to Join the Bird Stamp Society, visit the Join Us page