Tag Archives: Conservation

Klamath Bird Observatory: Fund Raising Stamps

(This article was written by a former member of the BSS)


The Klamath Bird Observatory (KBO) is a not for profit bird conservation organisation located in the North West of the United States of America, with its base in Oregon.  The KBO is concerned with bird conservation in the Pacific North West and throughout the ranges of the birds that migrate in that geographical area.   The scope and extent of the KBO’s interests cover the Klamath-Siskiyou Bio-region located across Northern California and Southern Oregon. 

The KBO has both managed and participated in a number of conservation projects, some of which have been centred on monitoring specific birds, including: the Oregon Vesper Sparrow (Pooecetes gramineus affinis); the Black Tern (Chlidonias niger); and Great Blue Heron (Ardea Herodias).  KBO’s science projects also include habitat restoration and conservation, as well long-term monitoring of bird populations.

The KBO has issued its own Conservation Science Stamps for a number of years, since 2014. It became an agent for the Federal Duck Stamps in 2017 and since then, has sold the KBO Conservation Science Stamp (priced at $15) alongside the Federal Duck Stamp ($25.00).  

New Zealand Game Bird Habitat Stamps 

Written by Steven Ardron

This article looks at the Game Bird Habitat Stamps available from New Zealand, from 1994 through to the present day, as issued under the authority of the New Zealand Fish and Game Council.

The NZ Fish and Game Council first issued a Game Bird Habitat Stamp in 1994, under authority of the Game Bird Habitat Regulations 1993.  Those Regulations allowed the NZ Fish and Game Council to create the Game Bird Habitat Stamp Programme, with the aim of raising funds through the sale of the Game Bird Habitat stamp and related products to help protect and enhance game bird habitats.