Tag Archives: new issues 2021

Estonia – 100th Anniversary of the Ornithological Society

Written by Steven Ardron


On 29 April 2021, Eesti Post commemorated 100th anniversary of the Estonian Ornithological Society.  According to the information on the Eesti Post Website.

“The Estonian Ornithological Society was established on 1 May 1921. For over one hundred years, the society has contributed to the research, protection and introduction of our bird species. With more than 600 members, the ornithological society is currently one of the largest nature protection societies in Estonia and it is also a partner of the international bird protection organisation BirdLife International. We continue to stand for the wellbeing of Estonian wild birds.”

The stamp issue includes a sheetlet of two colourful stamps, both at €1.90 (the letter rate for postage outside of Europe, up to 250g), with the left-hand stamp featuring the Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) and the right-hand stamp illustrating a pair of binoculars and the logo of the Ornithological society, plus a Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus).

St Pierre et Miquelon 2021 Issue

Purple sandpiper (Calidris maritima)

Written by Steven Ardron

The 2021 addition to the long-running birds series from St Pierre et Miquelon is the Purple Sandpiper. 

One initial curiosity about this stamp, on which the French Monthly “L’Écho de la Timbrologie” sought clarification – from the image that was sent to them for the magazine – is that the original 2021 stamp included a small spelling error in the Latin name of the bird, with the text on the stamp reading: “Calidris martima”.  It would appear that at first, no-one spotted the missing “i”: a minor hiccup in the proofing process that for us collectors might have made the stamp a bit more alluring.   However, from the image provided on La Poste’s website (see below), it would appear that La Poste ordered a reprint of the stamp with the correction to the spelling error.

Philippe Lahiton created (photographed) the Purple sandpiper stamp and as far as I am aware (though I am missing one or two from this series) he has not previously been involved in this series.

The information from St Pierre et Miquelon suggests that this particular stamp and the previous one from 2020 are part of a mini-series featuring waders.

La Poste has printed 30,000 of these stamps for St Pierre et Miquelon.   They are available in sheets of 25.       eBird Canada says about this bird:

“Hardy denizen of rocky coastlines regularly pounded by heavy surf. In winter, often in flocks foraging among large rocks. Generally dark grayish; purple sheen only visible at close distance in good light. Bill droops slightly and has an orange base. In winter, legs are yellowish-orange and belly is white with gray spots. Rarely seen on remote Arctic breeding grounds. Breeding plumage more brownish with contrasting dark speckling on back and breast.


Isle of Man

Europa 2021 Endangered National Species
The Calf of Man and 70th Anniversary of the Manx National Trust

Written by Steven Ardron


On 12 April 2021, the Isle of Man Post Office issued a set of 10 stamps which simultaneously commemorate:

  • The Europa 2021 “Endangered National Species” stamp theme, with one stamp (NVI “EU”), illustrating a Manx Sheerwater (Puffinus puffinus) chick;
  • The 70th Anniversary of the founding of the Manx National Trust (MNT); and
  • The Calf of Man nature and conservation reserve, which is managed by the MNT. 

Five of the stamps have a 1st NVI, for use on postage within the Isle of Man and valid for post to the UK; and five stamps with the “EU” NVI. 

There is an additional stamp featuring a bird; and this is the EU stamp illustrating the Calf of Man Bird Observatory and the Common Whitethroat: more of which below. 

The consultancy EJC Design developed the stamp illustrations, each stamp being available in sheets of 20.  The printing is in offset lithography and each stamp measures 40.00 x 31.66mm in portrait format.  The set is available in a presentation pack (limited to 1,500), and the usual First Day Cover (FDC) is available (limited to 2,250).  The Europa 2021 stamp also has its own FDC and miniature sheet (see below).  Isle of Man Post Office has also issued a set of postcards to accompany the stamp issue, which carry enlarged illustrations of each stamp.

The Manx Shearwater