Cartoon Birds
Although it is intended to appeal to the younger members of the Society, our adult members will no doubt find these articles of interest too …………. we certainly did …. do have a delve !
Each section below is structured in the same way, and is based on letters of the alphabet, and covers:
- facts about a character whose name starts with the alphabet letter;
- images of the stamps featuring the cartoon character; and
- illustrations of examples of stamps featuring “real” birds that are closest to the cartoon figure.
A is for Angry Birds – The series starts off with ‘A’ for angry birds, residents of Bird Island, a world of happy birds. Red is the outsider in this community and lives on the edge of town.

B is for Big Bird – one of the main characters of the television show “Sesame Street”.

C is for Condorito – a Condor, which is an important symbol for many countries in South America

D is for Donald Duck – There are numerous countries which have, over very many years, issued stamps that feature Donald Duck, generally as part of a Disney theme, but more recently to celebrate anniversaries of the Donald Duck character.

And D is also for Daffy Duck – Daffy Duck appeared with Disney’s Donald Duck in the film “Who Framed Roger Rabbit”

G is for Globi – The Blue Parrot – Globi first appeared in Switzerland in 1932 and originally was conceived as an advertising mascot for the department store Globus.

O is for Owl (and the Gruffalo) –
Owl is a character in The Gruffalo, which celebrated 20 years of collaboration between Julia Donaldson (a writer) and Axel Scheffler (an illustrator). The Gruffalo books have sold over 13.5 million copies and have been translated into 60 languages.

P is for Penguin – On July 29th, 2022, Armenia Post issued one postage stamp dedicated to “Children’s Philately”. The stamp, which celebrates “Armenian Cartoons”, features a scene from the 1972 film “Vin the Penguin”. The bottom part of the stamp bears the inscription “Vin the Penguin” in Armenian and English. Other famous penguins include the villainous “Feathers McGraw”, who appeared in the Aardman Film “The Wrong Trousers”. Feathers is a criminal penguin who steals Wallace’s “Techno Trousers” to steal a diamond from the local museum.