How do I pay for and renew my membership?

There are a number of ways to pay for your subscription and these are detailed below. In addition, all existing members receive an annual reminder in the June edition of Flight magazine that subscriptions will need to be renewed from the 1st August of that year.

To pay for or renew your subscription, you can choose from any of the following payment methods:- 

  • UK Cheque payable to “The Bird Stamp Society,” and sent to the Treasurer (address is found in Flight);
  • Via Paypal using the “Pay Family or Friends” option and payable to the email address:-;
  • A bank transfer to The Bird Stamp Society. Overseas members will need to add £2 to cover bank charges. Please contact the Membership secretary for bank details (contact details in Flight);
  • Cash can be sent, but at your own risk and this is not recommended; and 
  • Members with a UK bank account can set up a Standing Order, but remember the payment date needs to be for 1st August.
Category: Membership