Part 11 – Northwest Territories (NWT)
Provincial Bird: The Gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus)
The Northwest Territories adopted the Gyrfalcon in 1990 as its Provincial bird. The Territorial Emblems and Honours Act consolidates this status:
“Bird emblem 7. The bird known ornithologically as Falco rusticolus and called “gyrfalcon” is the bird emblem of the Northwest Territories.“
The Northwest Legislative Assembly website goes on to explain the characteristics of the Gyrfalcon:
“The gyrfalcon is the largest and most magnificent of the falcons and breeds throughout the tundra, including all the Arctic islands. Gyrfalcons usually winter in the North and during that season can be found anywhere in the Northwest Territories. They range in color from white through shades of grey and brown to almost black. Darker birds are more common in the NWT. Gyrfalcons eat mostly ptarmigan, but also ground squirrels, seabirds, waterfowl, and arctic hares. They are expert hunters, and extremely fast and powerful fliers.“

eBird Canada suggests that the Gyr Falcon is a relatively uncommon bird, even in Canada:
“Breeds on cliffs on Arctic tundra; winters in large open areas. Never common even on breeding grounds; rare everywhere in the continental U.S.“
Canada Post has issued two stamps which feature the Gyrfalcon. The first of these was in 2003, a single design stamp that was printed as part of a self-adhesive booklet of six stamps.